Winter Camp!

Winter Camp! After the huge success of our holiday camps, we are having another camp in the February holidays from the 17th February until 21st February. Spaces are limited so please sign up as soon as you can. We will be experimenting with different cuisines, art, sports and lots of winter fun!  Full days

By |2025-01-15T08:17:53+00:00January 21st, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Winter Camp!

OPEN HOUSE at First Steps

First Steps is having an open house on Saturday March 23rd 2024 from 10.00am until 11.30am. During this time we will be welcoming families interested in our daily pre-school  and Wednesday program. Teachers will be present, as well as the school director. Please feel free to drop in any time during the open house.

By |2024-02-27T08:49:10+00:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on OPEN HOUSE at First Steps

New website design

We have a new website! We are pleased to launch our new website design and hope you enjoy it. Phase 1 of the website launch is now completed and we are in the process of Phase 2, which will include a members-only area for parents. Thank you to all those who were involved in the

By |2017-02-27T11:10:04+00:00December 12th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on New website design

Welcome morning

First Steps re-opens it's doors to welcome all students, new and returning, for the 2021/2022 school year. Welcome Morning: We invite all students and their families, plus any new students interested in enrolling in our 2-4 year old programme, on Monday September 6th, from 10.30am-11:30am.

By |2021-07-22T09:22:00+00:00December 12th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Welcome morning
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